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Transform Your Business with Subscription and X-as-a-Service Models

We guide manufacturers in their shift from one-time product sales to recurring subscription sales, enhancing competitiveness, sustainability, and revenue predictability.

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P2S Management Consulting offers expertise in transforming traditional product sales into sustainable, recurring revenue streams across various industries.

About Us: Comprehensive Support for Your Innovation Journey

At P2S Management Consulting, we specialize in transforming the way manufacturers do business. By shifting from traditional product and software sales to innovative subscription and X-as-a-Service models, we help companies achieve sustainable growth, improve customer retention, and ensure consistent revenue streams. Our expert team is dedicated to providing the insights, strategies, and support needed to thrive in today’s competitive landscape.

Subscription and X-as-a-Service models involve offering products or software as a recurring service rather than a one-time sale. This approach provides continuous value to customers while ensuring predictable revenue for businesses. In these models, customers pay per performance, outcome, or usage.

We work with manufacturers to implement these models for both their physical products and software solutions.

Our Clients

We help clients in various industries in Europe and North America transform their products into recurring subscriptions.

Lighting Equipment

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Client prefers to stay anonymous
Client prefers to stay anonymous

Industrial Automation

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Drive Systems & Transport

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Energy Efficiency Equipment

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Client prefers to stay anonymous

Heating, Ventilation, Air-Conditioning

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Client prefers to stay anonymous

Power Tools

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Client prefers to stay anonymous

Inspection Systems

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Client prefers to stay anonymous

Measurement Systems

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Medical Device

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Process & Packaging Equipment

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Injection Moulding

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Audio-Visual Equipment

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Clean Room Equipment

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Blasting Equipment

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Recycling Equipment

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The Subscription Advantage: Unlock the benefits of recurring revenue models

Subscription models, including X-as-a-Service, offer numerous advantages over traditional product sales, including increased revenue predictability, improved customer loyalty, and enhanced operational efficiency. By adopting a subscription model, you can transform your business and achieve long-term success.

Benefits for manufacturers

Revenue predictability

Customer loyalty

Competitive strategic advantage

Enter new market/customer segments

Opportunity for data-driven insights

Benefits for customers

Lower upfront costs (OpEx vs. CapEx)

Access to the latest tech and upgrades

Flexibility to scale operations

Peace of mind - Optimised risk management

Simplified equipment disposal and replacement

Benefits for our planet

Reduced resource consumption

Lower carbon footprint

Optimal resource utilisation

Sustainable equipment lifecycle management

Business model part of the circular economy

What We Do

At P2S, we offer a comprehensive suite of services designed to support manufacturers through every stage of their transition to subscription models. Our approach is tailored to meet the unique needs of each client, ensuring that we deliver customized solutions that drive real results.

Subscription Action Plan™: Our proprietary methodology includes over 20 workshops that address all key challenges faced when developing a subscription business model. Each workshop combines theoretical knowledge with practical applications, based on benchmarks from successful subscription transformations and the latest academic research.

Subscription Experts Ecosystem™: Access the right expertise and partners throughout your subscription business model transformation. From financing to legal experts and subscription management software, our network of over 20 carefully selected partner companies accelerates your journey.

Typical Project Timeline: A phased approach to drive change management

Discovery call

Get familiar with Subscriptions and our services

1 hour

Intro workshop

Assess and conceptualize how Subscription models could work for your company

1 day

Subscription Action Plan™

Chapter 1

Conceptualise and test your model

2 to 4 months

Subscription Action Plan™

Chapter 2

Build your offering

4 to 7 months

Subscription Action Plan™

Chapter 3

Go-to-Market strategy and launch

3 to 7 months

Numbers and Figures about Subscription and X-as-a-Service models


Higher growth rate

for subscription businesses compared to S&P 500 companies.

- Zuora


Higher company valuation

of subscription businesses compared to traditional ones.

- The Automatic Customer


Higher margins

and 2x higher revenues when comparing a subscription sale with a one-time sale.

- Siemens


Annual growth rate

of subscription businesses in the manufacturing industry.

- IoT Analytics


Projected market size

of the global subscription industry by 2025.

- Zuora


Willingness to buy subscriptions

57% of companies want to use subscription models for machine procurement.


Ready to Transform Your Business?

Assess the potential of a Subscription and X-as-a-Service model for your company.

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